What Your Donation Can Fund...

£2.80 will pay for a mosquito net for a child in an SOS Children’s Village in Malawi

£5.25 allows a child at an SOS Children’s Village in France to attend drama therapy sessions for a month; these can help the children overcome the trauma they experienced before they came to the Village

£6 will buy a brand new school desk for an SOS Primary School in Malawi

£12 pays for a child’s food, medicine and school fees for a month on an SOS AIDS outreach programme in Swaziland

£41 will pay for clothes for a child for a year at an SOS Children’s Village in The Gambia

£68 covers all the educational costs for a child on an SOS Family Strengthening Programme in Zambia. This includes: all scholarship fees to an SOS or government school; books; shoes; uniforms; stationery and extra tuition

£75 allows 10 caregivers on an SOS Family Strengthening Programme in Zambia to be trained in business management and be given a micro-loan to help them set up a franchise, which will allow them to earn an income and provide for their children

£230 will buy a big fridge for a family home at an SOS Children’s Village in Guinea-Bissau (you need a big fridge when you have to feed 10 children!)

£300 pays for a community nurse to visit 24 HIV/AIDS-affected families for a year in South Africa. She will provide the families with advice, care and health education

£1,780 pays the school fees for a child with special needs at an SOS Children’s Village in Lebanon for one year

£1,900 will purchase a computer laboratory for 164 children in Rourkela, India

£2,000 buys new playground equipment for an SOS Nursery School in Estonia

£2,800 will buy a new dental chair for the SOS Medical Centre in Piliyandala, Sri Lanka

£3,700 furnishes a brand new SOS Youth Home in India

£8,000 purchases 13 washing machines and their installation in the family homes in the Bethlehem

£10,000 purchases a blood analyser for an SOS Medical Centre in Burundi to test patients for serious illnesses

£15,000 will purchase a minibus for the Children’s Village in Togo

£75,000 pays for the construction and equipping of a new SOS family home at an SOS Children’s Village in Brazil

£300,000 will construct and equip an SOS Primary School for 400 children in Zambia